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PakistanCapitalist India – the land of a million festivals – has a unique trick up its sleeve to turn the most radical of events into a ritual to perpetuate its feudal status-quo. International Women’s Day [...]
PakistanCompany unions and harmonious labour-management relations? Japanese culture is different and Japanese women are obedient? That is not at all what Japan is about. There are working women with some guts! Liked this article? We [...]
PakistanMuch has changed since the revolution of 25th of April 25 years ago. Working class women gained through the revolutionary process very advanced constitutional rights by comparison with the rest of Europe. Before 1974 women [...]
PakistanA report has come out with shocking figures. 47% of girls in the nine-year compulsory schools are sexually harassed. The climate against young women has become harder in society and has reached the schools in [...]
PakistanWomen constitute half the population of Sri Lanka and play a crucial role in the affairs of the country. On the one hand, both the president and the prime minister are women and the world’s [...]
Building the CWI

Hundreds of working-class activists, trade unionists and students poured into the workshops and rallies of Socialism 2024, held in central London, on 9-10 November to discuss how a fighting socialist opposition to Labour leader and [...]

CWI Summer School Success
At the end of July, the CWI’s five-day European summer school took place in Berlin with over 140 comrades from England & Wales, Ireland, Scotland, the US, France, Austria and Germany. Over five days, political [...]