Iraq: Day X – CWI takes initiative in anti-war protests (Czech Republic)

The Day X demonstration was big for Prague, but the second day of the war saw as many, if not more, out on the streets demonstrating. All the main political parties were there and all the small liberal and Christian organisations also turned out.

Stop the war in Iraq. Czech Republic.

CWI takes initiative in anti-war protests

The leaders of the "Initiative Against War" were a bit confused about what to do, so we, Socialisticka Alternativa Budoucnost (CWI in the Czech Republic), as part of this coalition, took the initiative. We immediately turned the movement towards the school students, students and local areas.

Socialisticka Alternativa Budoucnost members held a spontaneous meeting with school students to discuss possible plans. We proposed to them doing massive leafleting/petitioning on Monday 24 March, with the aim of building ’School Students Against the War’ at the schools and bringing them to the Monday demonstration. A school students’ contingent can be the first step to a school students’ strike.

On Saturday 22 March there was another demonstration called by the Communist Party.

We will see in a few days how this movement develops. We plan to do leafleting in local areas with the aim of collecting names of people who want to be activists.

We sold our paper and a special pamphlet.

Special financial appeal to all readers of

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March 2003