Solidarity: International protests following Lonmin massacre in South Africa

Reports of CWI-organised lobbies in Ireland, Israel, Austria

Below we publish reports and photographs from 3 solidarity protests organised following the massacre of up to 40 workers at Lonmin in South Africa, and in support of the continued and spreading struggle of the miners. More protests and reports to follow!


On Monday, in solidarity with the Lonmin miners that were shot dead in South Africa, a protest composed of Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) members and Trade Union activists was held at the South African embassy in Dublin. Speeches were made calling for an end to the police siege of Marika an end to all attacks on striking workers in support of the miners’ demands and for the nationalisation of the mines under democratic workers’ control and management. The protest took place during the after work rush hour and received much support from passers-by. A letter of protest from the Socialist Party was handed in by Paul Murphy MEP. A separate letter of protest was also handed in on behalf of the OPW branch of the CPSU trade union.


SLP (CWI in Austria) organised a picket on Wednesday in Vienna, and handed in petion signed by a number of shop stewards, shop steward bodies, one trade union faction and different left organisations. Our delegation spoke to representatives of embassy who agreed with us that workers representatives should be involved in the inquiry commission into the massacre!

Israel – photos from protest

Germany – photo from protest in Frankfurt

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August 2012