Iraq: No to war in Iraq – Ireland – Successful anti-war action

Youth Against the War, the campaign set up by Socialist Youth, the Irish section of ISR, organised a successful walkout of school students in North Dublin yesterday. At 12.30 school students walked out of their school and assembled at the County Council Offices in Swords town centre to protest at the drive to war on Iraq and the shameful role of the Irish government in allowing US warplanes refuel in Shannon Airport.

No to war in Iraq. Ireland.

Successful anti-war action

Over 150 students took part in the action and 30 joined Youth Against the War committing themselves to organising walkouts on "Day-X". We now plan to establish a Socialist Youth branch in the area to co-ordinate action in all the schools on the day the war begins.

In Cork, a Youth Against the War group was set up in one school with the support of two teachers and in another school leaflets were distributed calling on students to join YAW. In both schools many students gave a commitment to attend an anti-war demonstration this Saturday in Cork City.

Youth Against the War received enormous media coverage for the actions we organised and for our call for widespread walkouts and strikes on "Day-X". 3 national newspapers covered the action, as did 3 national radio stations and 3 regional radio stations including one youth station. We were the second item on the main evening news on the main national TV station.

We are planning to call for national lunchtime protests and possible walkouts next week and to set up YAW groups in as many schools as possible. On "Day-X" we are considering a nationwide school student strike.

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March 2003