The workers at the Bundesanzeiger publishing house in Cologne have been on strike for more than 70 days. They are fighting for a collective agreement that has not yet been granted to them, and what’s more, they have so far been refused any willingness to negotiate about it.
The situation has come to a head in several respects. The workers report the following: some of the employees are employed on a fixed-term basis without any objective reason, which of course makes it difficult to plan for the future. Many temporary workers have to do the same work under worse conditions. In addition, some report that when they sign their contracts, it is clearly communicated that they are not allowed to talk to anyone about their pay.
All of these are ingredients for individualisation, a lack of solidarity and division, with the aim of paying as little as possible for the work performed.
This is not a company that is backed into a corner as a result of the competition in a merciless and unplanned market economy. Even then, such methods would have to be fought against with the utmost vigour. However, this is a company that makes huge profits from contracts with federal ministries.
At this point, the political conditions must be fundamentally questioned. On the one hand, how is it possible for the Federal Government to award a contract to a company that does not have a collective agreement? The beneficiaries and victims of such a practice are clearly recognisable. Furthermore, the fundamental question arises as to why, under the current conditions, legally required publications of state agencies, like the Bundesanzeiger (Federal Gazette), are taken over by a private company. Here, not only the workforce, but also the general public pays for the profits of the owner of the company. The logical consequence should be the demand for the transfer of the Bundesanzeiger publishing house into public ownership under democratic control and administration by democratically elected representatives of the workforce, trade unions and the city of Cologne.
The trade union ver.di is rightly supporting the strike with increased strike pay, which is particularly important for poorly paid colleagues. Politicians from various parties have already pledged their support, but despite this, this important struggle is still little known. One important reason for this is that the employer DuMont, which owns the Bundesanzeiger-Verlag, also publishes the lion’s share of the Cologne local press. It is no surprise that they are not reporting on the strike in their own company. This is exactly the point that the strikers emphasise in discussions. They would like to see their issue spread further and receive support.
This is exactly the purpose of this article. Solidarity and support for this important struggle, which is about more than the absolutely justified interests of the strikers. It is also about the conditions of all workers who are facing generally intensified attacks from employers. The discussion about the restrictions on the right to strike (which the governing liberal party FDP are demanding) is just one example.
That is why your support is important, by spreading the word, writing solidarity messages and if you live nearby and can come by, you will certainly also find that you are very welcome.
Suggestions from Sol:
– Information campaign by ver.di and the other DGB (TUC) trade unions in support of the strike, for example through leaflets, invitations to the strikers to attend works meetings, public events and the like
– Founding of a solidarity committee by trade unions, the Left Party and other left-wing organisations and social movements, and holding a solidarity demonstration in Cologne
– Examining the possibility of solidarity strikes in the other companies of DuMont
Please send solidarity messages to: [email protected] – we will pass them on to the strikers!
CWI European summer school shows solidarity with Bundesanzeiger Verlag strikers
Solidarity message from the CWI European summer school
To all colleagues of Bundesanzeiger Verlag,
The international summer school of the Committee for a Workers International, the international organization that Sol in Germany is affiliated to, taking place with over 150 attendees from France, England&Wales, Scotland, the US, Austria, Ireland and Germany sends solidarity greetings to you. You are facing precarious working conditions and bad salaries, while your employer makes millions in profits. He closes factories to demonstrate his power and fight your resistance, instead or giving you, what is rightfully yours.
We are impressed by your willingness to strike and your indefinite strike action. It is important that you don‘t give up and remain firm in your struggle.
We will support your struggle to the best of our ability and publicise it in Germany and internationally.
We wish you the best of luck and a lot of success.
Best militant wishes.
Solidarity video from the CWI: https://youtu.be/Yf1nzIZxqyA?si=3-L3g_mQ02oxrwkS