Internationalism in the 21st Century

Fight War, Exploitation & Capitalism

Why only the working class can defeat the system


Anja Voigt, Berlin hospital striker
Tony Saunois, Committee for a Workers‘ International
Chiara Stenger, Youth for Socialism (Berlin)
Prasad Welikumbura, Socialist from Sri Lanka
Hannah Sell, Socialist Party England and Wales
Rouzbeh Taheri, Berlin tenants‘ activist
Leila Messaoudi, socialist councillor from France

With a video message by Ferat Koçak, activist and member of city parliament for the Left Party in Berlin
Chaired by: Sascha Staničić, Sol spokesperson


Monday, 31st July 2023 at 18:00 (New York, 12:00, London 17:00, Lagos 17:00, Paris 18:00)

FMP 1, Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, Berlin

Or via Zoom:

Or via Facebook livestream:


The multiple crises of the capitalist system are becoming more and more threatening. The world situation is crying out for change. But what form should this take, which social forces can implement it and what political programme is necessary to achieve it?

The waves of strikes in Britain, France, Germany and other countries have made workers appear again as a social force. Trade unions are present again. The working class is back!

This event takes place in the framework of an international summer school of the Committee for a Workers‘ International (CWI – international organisation to which the Socialist Organisation Solidarity is affiliated). Socialists, trade unionists and activists from 15 countries around the world will come together to share experiences and discuss how to „force these petrified relations to dance“ (Marx).

The rally will bring together experiences from the class struggles of different countries and provide ideas for socialist change. The speakers are all in the middle of the movements and struggles in their countries. We are especially happy that Anja Voigt and Rouzbeh Taheri, two speakers from Berlin, will join us and bring important trade union and political experiences in the struggle against exploitation and rent hikes.

The speeches will be translated into German and English respectively and there will be an opportunity for a short discussion with contributions from the audience. Afterwards, everyone is invited to get into direct conversation with the socialists from all over the world over a cold drink. We are also happy to offer discussions with activists from specific countries.

Participants from the following countries will be present: USA, Chile, Norway, Scotland, Northern and Southern Ireland, England and Wales, France, Germany, Austria, Nigeria, Israel, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and India.