Iraq: Stop the war in Iraq – More school strikes in Melbourne

Three thousand mainly school students, after leaving school to strike against the war, marched through Melbourne on Wednesday 26 March against the war on Iraq. The numbers were slightly down on the last school student strike, but the participants were angrier and more militant. 

Stop the war in Iraq. Australia.

More school strikes in Melbourne

Four hundred Socialist Party placards calling for strike action and for the return of Australian troops from the war zone were snapped up. Over four hundred Socialist Party recruitment leaflets were handed out. Hundreds of people enthusiastically bought stickers and literature and made donations to the Socialist Party and Youth against the War campaigns.

In Sydney another large anti-war rally saw 14 young people arrested as enraged youth clashed with police.

In Melbourne we are preparing for the visit of Prime Minister John Howard to the city on Friday night where he is to speak at Camberwell at a Liberal Party function. Socialist Party members are organising the PA and speaker platform for the blockade against Howard and will be building for the action in the next two days. We are also participating in a demonstration on Saturday in Melbourne, which promises to be big.

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March 2003