Iran: Tens of thousands protest on 1 March

Regular protests planned for Tuesdays

Tens of thousands of Iranians demonstrated against the regime in Tehran, Shiraz, Tabriz, Isfahan and other cities on 10 Esfand (1 March). This is the first in a series of protests planned for Tuesdays (1, 8, 15 March), despite brutal repression by the regime.

The first Tuesday protest was an important step forward. The protests have become radicalised and are spreading more and more. The main demand now is for the fall of the regime.

Young people play an important role in the protests. Slogans shouted include, ’’Down with dictatorship’’, ’’Free the political prisoners’’ and ’’Mubarak, Ben Ali, now Sayyed Ali [Khomenei]’’!

Police, militia and plainclothes security forces attacked the protests. Many were injured and hundreds were arrested. The regime has also used chemical gas instead of tear gas against protesters.

The demonstrations will continue next Tuesday (March 8, International Women’s Day). Over 68,000 people are now gathered in facebook groups called 25 Bahman (14 February, the first protest day this year), which plays a similar role as ”6 April” opposition network of facebook groups in Egypt.

The building of an independent working class movement with a socialist political programme that opposes the regime and also capitalism, is an urgent task facing the protest movement today.

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March 2011