16th June – Day of Solidarity!
Afraid that a riot police attack on Saturday’s mass demonstration by striking oil workers and their families would lead to an explosive escalation of the strike, the authorities in Western Kazakhstan backed off from open confrontation over the week end.
Having been denied the chance of attacking the strikers as a group, the riot police instead burned off their adrenalin in a rampage against 9 women workers and strikers’ wives. In the evening, as the mass of strikers had already dispersed, the nine were sheltering from the burning sun in the shade near the bus station, where the strikers had gathered earlier in the day. Using an already well tried tactic (the same tactic was used to prevent Prisoner rights campaigner from meeting with Joe Higgins), the women were approached by a drunk provocateur who started shouting and swearing at them. Police and riot police standing nearby (over 50 troops in all) then used the row to attack the women brutally beating them to the ground. Having experienced this Pinochetskii brutality, the women were thrown by their arms and legs into the police bus and ferried to the police station in Zhanaozen. There they were again thrown to the floor, with the police threatening to do the same to their husband strikers.
Aisula Amangeldieva suffered particularly badly as she has recently undergone an operation. Even though her blood pressure shot up, the police refused to call an ambulance. All those taken in had their mobiles taken, were finger printed and mug shotted. Only after they had all signed a statement were they released, already close to midnight. They then went to the city hospital for treatment to their wounds, but doctors refused to see them, calling instead for the riot police! The City’s prosecutor’s office also refused to take statements from the women.
These shocking tactics are not having an effect. The women have now decided to organize their own act of protest on the 13th June.
Their resolution is in stark contrast to the position of the official trade unions and the so called “People’s Communist Party” who have both attacked the strikers.
But solidarity action is building. At a press conference on 13th June, the Socialist Movement Kazakhstan, the trade unions “Odak” and “Zhanartu” and representatives of other workers groups announced the organization of a national day of solidarity on 16th June, at which workers in each of the country’s regions will participate in a 5 minute work stoppage in support of the strikers. This will be accompanied by meetings and protests at the country’s mines and other key factories.
The CWI Kazakhstan calls for pickets at the embassies of Kazakhstan throughout the world and, for those countries who do not have an embassy, to flood the system with email protests. Embassies are listed below:
We demand:
- the immediate release of Natalia Sokolova
- an end to all repression against the strikers
- the lifting of the siege at “Ersai Kaspian Kontraktor”
- the immediate recognition of the independent trade unions
- the nationalization of the oil and gas sector under democratic workers’ control and management as part of a planned economy allowing the wealth of Kazakhstan to be used in the interests of the people and not those of the ruling clan and multinationals.
Solidarity messages should be sent to:
[email protected] with copies to [email protected] and [email protected]
Consulate of Kazakhstan in Toronto, Canada – Consulate of Kazakhstan in Toronto, Canada –
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Paris, France – Embassy of Kazakhstan in Paris, France –
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Berlin, Germany – Embassy of Kazakhstan in Berlin, Germany –
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Tel Aviv, Israel – Embassy of Kazakhstan in Israel –
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Islamabad, Pakistan – H. No. 10, St.No. 19, F-8/2, Islamabad E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 2262926, 2262925 Fax: 2262806.
Consulate of Kazakhstan in New York, United States of America – Consulate of Kazakhstan in New York, United States of America –
Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to the United Nations in New York – Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to the United Nations in New York –
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Washington DC, United States of America – Embassy of Kazakhstan in Washington DC, United States of America –
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Vienna, Austria – A – 1190 Wien Austria ix-Mottl-Street 23; (431)-3679 1750 (431)-367917533 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Baku, Azerbaijan – 82 Inglab St., kv.889; (99412)-906521, (99412) – 906248 (99412)-906249 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Minsk, Belarus – 12 Kuibyshev St. (0172)-349937, (0172)-844810, (0172)-349650 [email protected];
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Brussels, Belgium – 30 1180 nue van Bever, Bruxelles, Belgium (322)- 3749562 (322)-3745091 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Beijing, China – Dong 6 Road , San Li Tun, Beijing, Chin 100600 PRC; (8610)-5326182 (8610)-6536183 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Cairo, Egypt – Cairo bay Kunanbayuli Str. New Maadi, Egypt; (202)-3505267, (202)-5194522 (202)-3521900 [email protected], [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Estonia – Vilnius 2009, Akmeny Str., 7 Lt-2009; (3702)-222123, (3702) -313070 (3702)-313580 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Paris, France – Rue Pierre Charron , 75008 Paris; (331)-45615200 (331)- 45615201 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Georgia – (8922)-906-248 (922)-906249
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Budapest, Hungary – Kapi utca 59 Ker., 1025 Budapest; (361)-2751300 (361)-2572092 [email protected] Embassy (Budapest) (Ambassador cross-accredited to Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia).
Embassy of Kazakhstan in New Delhi, India – Olof Palme Marg , Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110057; (9111)-6144779, (9111)-6147983 (9111)-6144778 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Tehran, Iran – Hedayat St. rus, Masjed 1, No 4, Tehran, Iran; (9821)- 2565933, (9821)-2565934 (9821)-2546400 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in The Irish Republic – Thurloe Square London SW7 2SD U; (4420)-7581 4646 (4420)-75848481 [email protected] Ambassador with residence in London.
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Tel-Aviv, Israel – Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv, 63453, Israel; (9723)-5236776 (9723)-5239045 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Rome, Italy – 00186 – Roma zza Farneze 101, Italia; (3906)-68808640 (3906)-68808690 (3906)-68891360 [email protected], [email protected] Embassy (Rome) (Ambassador cross-accredited to Greece and Malta)
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Tokyo, Japan – Meguro-ku 5-chome Himonya, Tokyo 152-0003; (813)-37915273 (813)-37915274 (813)-37915279 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan – Bishkek city, 10 Togolok Moldo St.; (996312)-660415 (996312)-225463 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Latvia – Vilnius 2009, Akmeny Str., 7 Lt-2009; (3702)-222123, (3702)-313070 (3702)-313580 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 6th Floor (North Block) The AmpWalk 218 Jalan Ampang te 6.07, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.; (603)-21664144, (603)-21667872 (603)-21668553 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Norway – Thurloe Square London SW7 2SD U; (4420)-75814646 (4420)-75848481 [email protected] Ambassador with residence in London.
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Islamabad, Pakistan – Street 19 se ? 10, Sector F-8/2, Islamabad; (9251)-2262925, (9251)-2262926, (9251)-2262807 (9251)-2262806 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Warsaw, Poland – 02-954 Warszawa Krolowej Marysienki 14, Rzeczypospolita Polsk; (4822)-6425388 Tel.: (4822) -6425388, (4822)-6422763, (+48) 601578425 (4822)-6423765 Fax: (4822)-6463427 [email protected], [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Seoul, The Republic of Korea – Nonhyum-dong 15, KangNam-Ku, Seul, Republic of Korea; (822)-5481415 (822)- 5481416 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Moscow, Russia – Chistoprudnyi b-r,3-a; Moscow, (095)-9271715, (095)-9271820 (095)-2082650 [email protected] (Ambassador cross-accredited to Finland).
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – adh 11693 P.O. Box 9401; (9661)-4701839, (9661)-4551488 (9661)-4547304 [email protected] (Ambassador cross-accredited to Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, UAE).
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Madrid, Spain – 25 Parque Conde de Orgaz ascanueces, 28043 Madrid; (3491)-7216290 (3491)-7219374 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Sweden – Thurloe Square London SW7 2SD U; (4420)-75814646 (4420)-75848481 [email protected] Ambassador with residence in London.
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Bern, Switzerland – CH-3006 eweg 15, Bern; (4131)-3517969 (4131)-3517975 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Ankara, Turkey – Ebuziya Tevfik Sk. No 6 akistan Buyukelciligi, Cankaya-Ankara, Turkiye; (90312)-4412301, (90312)-4412302 (90312)-4412303 [email protected], [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Ashgabad, Turkmenistan – 3 floor Gerogly street, Ashgabat; near Gerogly St., floor 3 (99312)-395548 (99312)- 395932 [email protected]
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Kiev, Ukraine – 26 elnikov St.; (38044)-2131198 [email protected] Embassy Ambassador cross-accredited to Moldova.
Embassy of Kazakhstan in United Kingdom – Thurloe Square London SW7 2SD U; (4420)-75814646 (4420)-75848481 [email protected] Embassy (London) (Ambassador cross-accredited to Irish Republic, Norway, Sweden) Thurloe Square London SW7 2SD U; Uzbekistan 23 ekhov St.; Embassy (Tashkent) (Ambassador cross-accredited to Tajikistan).
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