Today, 5 May, marks the 12th anniversary of the sad loss of Peter Hadden, a leading comrade of the CWI in Ireland and internationally. Peter’s life in the struggle for socialism and his important contribution to the development of the ideas and programme of the CWI, particularly regarding the national question, are summarised in the links provided below.
The CWI in Ireland, Militant Left, proudly continues that tradition of campaigning for workers’ unity and socialism in the south and north of Ireland. Militant Left comrade, Donal O’Cofaigh, a socialist councillor in Enniskillen, is contesting for a seat in the Northern Ireland Assembly (the regional legislative body) for the Fermanagh and South Tyrone constituency. Standing under the broad left alliance, Cross-Community Labour Alternative, Donal continues the tradition of fighting on a clear class programme to unite all workers and the oppressed against sectarian politics and the bosses’ system.