Ireland: Picket of Pakistani warship docked in Cork over repression of telecom workers

Twelve members of the Socialist Party (CWI, Ireland) picketed the Pakistani warship, PNS Tippu Sultan, which docked in Cork city, on 23 June 2005.


Picket of Pakistani warship docked in Cork over repression of telecom workers

The warship was visiting Cork as part of the city’s European Capital of Culture celebrations.

A local daily newspaper, The Evening Echo, carried an article on the protest and information on the repression of the Pakistani telecom workers by the Musharraf government, as did a local radio station, 96FM.

We distributed a leaflet about the telecom workers struggle to the Pakistani sailors and soldiers encouraging them to contact the workers in Pakistan and the Socialist Movement Pakistan.

The protest took place as Cork city councillors, "dignitaries" and representatives of the Irish navy and army attend a reception onboard the warship. Socialist Party Councillor Mick Barry refused to attend the reception in protest against the government’s privatisation plans and its repression of the telecom workers.  

The picket ended after Mick Barry and two young party members boarded the warship and delivered a letter of protest to the Mission Commander.

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June 2005