CWI Announcement: Re-launch of

8 March 2010: New improved CWI site – For new period of global struggles of workers and youth

The Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) is proud to announce that its website,, will be re-launched next week, on 8 March 2010, with considerable changes and improvements, including up-to-date layout and design.

The launch date takes place on 8 March, which marks the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day (IWD). As regular readers will have noticed, is carrying articles to mark IWD, which will continue up to 8 March.

For over a decade, defended the ideas of genuine socialism was launched in 1998 by the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), an international socialist organization, with sections and supporters on over 40 countries, on all continents. The CWI is a campaigning organization, which is part of the struggle to overthrow the rule of big business and global capitalism. We fight for a democratic socialist society internationally.

Over the last 12 years, the CWI site has provided thousands of articles, in several languages, to readers across the world, giving a daily socialist analysis of current news events and the world situation. We are always striving to expand access to and an important step forward was made in 2007, with the launch of, the CWI Spanish language site (sitio web del comite por una internacional de los trabajadores).

Now, to work to meet the needs of our readers, and future new readers, at the start of a new decade of impending class struggles as the crisis of capitalism deepens, we will publish a revamped, from next week.

The presence of CWI supporters in over 40 countries, allows us to provide news from a socialist perspective, including eyewitness reports of worker, student, youth, community and other social struggles. We not only commentate on events, but, as regular reports on show, CWI supporters play an active role, and very often a key leading role, in struggles. is an enormous addition to the pamphlets, books, newspapers, journals, brochures, leaflets and other literature of the CWI sections. The site is linked to CWI sections’ websites, as well as to important sites like, our sister site, which specialises on theoretical and historical issues, and also with

The presence of CWI supporters in over 40 countries, allows us to provide news from a socialist perspective, including eyewitness reports of worker, youth and other social struggles.

As well as this, provides readers with historical and socialist theoretical analysis, including online books and publications. Crucially, charts a way forward for the workers’ movement internationally, discussing the strategy and tactics needed to develop and to build the forces of socialism across the globe and to create new mass parties of the working class.

Big improvements

All readers will be able to look at the substantial site changes on 8 March. Important political needs are behind the changes. The site will have three columns, one that highlights ‘latest news (daily updates), one that provides readers with more in-depth analysis and commentary (that will appear on the homepage for longer) and a third column, which highlights campaigns, publications, links etc.

We will have more use of video, pictures and other media, to argue the case of socialism. At the same time, supporters and readers in parts of the world that have limited access to high-speed connections will be able to access our site (i.e. data in low-size format).

The revamp will also see the launch of a ‘newsletter’, which readers can sign up to freely. This newsletter will itemize important new articles on our site (monthly), and it can also be also be used to spread urgent information quickly, for example, appeals for solidarity messages.

Help fund – the socialist alternative online!

The new revamped is an important step forward for the CWI. To enable us to continue publishing, and to expand and make future improvements to the site, requires resources, both financial and human. Unlike pro-capitalist political parties or big business-run websites, we do not have rich backers. Instead, we rely on the donations from working class people and youth. If you agree with what you read on this site, why not send us a donation today? We always need more translators, to sallow socialist ideas to get to as large an audience as possible. If you would like to help with translation, please contact us.

Moreover, if you agree with our ideas and the need to fight for a socialist alternative, join us today!

Special financial appeal to all readers of

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March 2010