Meeting discusses involvement in Afghanistan
Three hundred demonstrators participated in the United Left May Day in Uleåborg Finland. This was a little more than last year.
Sosialistinen Vaihtoehto (CWI sympathisers in Finland) and members from Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (the CWI’s section in Sweden) had their own contingent. They raised slogans against NATO and against militarisation, including Finland’s involvement in the war in Afghanistan.
A meeting after the demonstration discussed the Afghan war. After more than 10 years, the longest the US has been involved in a foreign intervention, the situation is worse than ever. During 2011, the highest number of civilians have been killed. Finland is a part of this imperialistic war on the poor people of Afghanistan because it is good for Finnish capitalism.
Jonas Brännberg (RS/CWI) spoke at the meeting. "The CWI stands for mass struggle against war and imperialism", he said. Only if the troops are forced out, can the Afghan people decide their own future. A movement of workers and poor people is needed – for democratic rights, against the oppression of women etc. This can only be really effective on the basis of a socialist programme where major industries, banks and land are taken into public ownership under the democratic control of elected representatives of workers and poor people – run from below according to the needs of the people".
The next big mobilisation of Sosialistinen Vaihtoehto and the CWI will be at the Tammerfors Social Forum on the 16-17 May.
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